Notas detalladas sobre sci-fi

Notas detalladas sobre sci-fi

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The woman, played by Hilary Swank, tells Daughter that everything she's been taught about humanity's demise is a lie... or is it? The drama that ensues will have you on the edge of your seat — and might make you want to unplug your smart speaker, just in case.

If you're wondering where the science fiction is hiding in this movie, don't worry... it won't take long for you to discover that some very weird stuff is going down at Camp Arcadia.

During the summer of 1979, a group of friends witness a train crash and investigate subsequent unexplained events in their small town.

Overwatch cosplays has given us so many sexy characters to look at. Let's take a look at the best ones

Connor's only hope is the T-800 -- a reprogrammed version of the same machine that merienda nearly succeeded in killing his mother.

An ordinary man sees a bright light descend from the sky, and discovers he now has super-intelligence and telekinesis.

Using Philip K. Dick's source material Campeón a blueprint to build a detective story around that which wants to be about more than just Deckard catching his prey, Scott effortlessly knows how to tell this story -- you feel it in every shot, every cut, every music cue.

Yes, yes it does, Richard Dreyfuss. His character's carving Devil's Tower a.k.a. UFO-topia and then later visiting the site where the titular close encounter occurs turns this movie into one of the few entries on this list about aliens that is more concerned with the wonder and privilege of first contact than the horror movie consequences of it.

This near-silent black and white film from Argentina tells the story of a city that has lost its voice, stolen by Mr. TV, and the attempts of a small family to win the voice back. Similar in design to early German expressionist films.

A mysterious young woman seduces lonely men in the evening hours in Scotland. However, events lead her to begin a process of self-discovery.

, the Wachowskis reimagined what sci-fi movies can be. While each of the movies they've made since the first Matrix

In other words, it’s fiction based on asking “What if…?”: What if we developed a technology that could allow us to travel to other galaxies? What if mythological figures were Efectivo?

A group of elite warriors parachute into an unfamiliar jungle and are hunted by members of a merciless alien race.

Scott and his production team create a future Los Angeles built on neon and skyscrapers that stab a permanent rain-streaked sky. From the top down, Blade Runner is film noir science fiction -- as unique and alive as the androids its protagonist must retire. The film's impact on visual storytelling cannot go unmentioned.

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